With our journey through the different chakras in the physical body, we’ve reached the Sacral Chakra – the 2nd chakra.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour orange, with orange energy that flows through it. Orange represents creativity, success and is associated with energies of joy and bliss. It’s a vibrant colour that makes you feel alive and excited for life and at the same time can be a colour of calm and quietness within. Orange represents hope, confidence and freedom. Orange symbolizes warmth, passion, eagerness and adventure.

The sacral chakra is situated about 4 fingers below the navel and mainly governs the reproductive organs, bladder and kidneys.

The Sacral Chakra is supported by the element of Water. It facilitates the flowing of our feelings, emotions, creativity, passion and also supports abundance. It is the most influential element of all the elements within our physical body. With 72% of our body consisting of water.

When the Sacral chakra is open,
vibrating strong and in a healthy way, you:


  • Allow creative energy to freely flow within you and express yourself creatively by giving life to your ideas and inspirations
  • Accept that you can express your feelings in a healthy way
  • Embrace your sexuality; with respecting your sexuality as sacred
  • Trust your feelings, emotions and passion and give them abundant space for expression
  • With doing what you love, you express yourself fully and become one with your soul
  • You accept and trust that emotions are messengers of your soul

Here are a few imbalance attributes that could indicate an underactive Sacral Chakra:


  • Feeling unemotional or uninspired
  • Feeling lack of desire or passion
  • Feeling out of touch with your ability to express yourself creatively
  • Experiencing sexual suppression
  • Feeling guarded
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Feeling detached from your emotions

Here are a few imbalance attributes that could indicate an overactive Sacral Chakra:


  • Feeling overly ambitious
  • Having an extreme sex drive
  • Feeling overly emotional
  • Experiencing emotional dependency
  • Finding it difficult to set personal boundaries
  • Feeling tense or annoyed

Physical symptoms that you might experience as a result of a blocked Sacral Chakra are:


  • Constipation
  • Lower back pain
  • Urinary problems and kidney infections
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Infertility and impotency

An open Sacral Chakra connects us with the sacred energetic support of being aware of our emotions, feelings, sexuality and creativeness and being able to express our individuality in our unique passionate way.

When doing energy healing and identifying the sacral chakra is either blocked, under or overactive I find using these crystals, to assist with healing and opening the chakra:


  • Carnelian
  • Citrine
  • Orange Calcite
  • Amber
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Moonstone
  • Sunstone
  • Rose

You can also wear or keep these Crystals near to you when feeling or experiencing symptoms that indicate the possibility of your Sacral Chakra being closed, over and/or underactive.

Another great way of supporting the Sacral Chakra is using essential oils. You can either apply it to the skin area where the sacral chakra is located (just check your skin for sensitivity or dilute the essential oil by adding vitamin E oil to it) or you can put these oils in an air purifier to infuse the area with aromas that create a feeling of relaxation and support. Essential oils you can use are:


  • Lemon
  • Sandalwood
  • Lemongrass
  • Orange
  • Bergamot
  • Jasmin
  • Neroli

I’m leaving you with a powerful affirmation to support and speak to the beautiful energy of the Sacral Chakra:
I am radiant, gorgeous, creative and enjoy a healthy and spirited life.

Thank you for taking the time to discover and journeying through the Sacral Chakra with me. I trust that you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Till next time remember your feelings, emotions, creativity and sexuality is sacred and as unique as the soul you are. Express yourself with passion giving life to who you are as a soul in your own unique way.

Love and blessings

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