What would it be like for you to live life in a reality of constant joy, peace and contentment? Where your happiness is not circumstantial based but a simple CHOICE?
Is that a life you would want to live?
Are you in or been through an experience of:
• abuse
• addiction
• been cheated on/betrayed
• lost a loved one
• divorce/separation or break up
• bullied
• immobilised by anxiety/depression
• stuck in old patterns and limiting beliefs
• involved in a narcissistic relationship
• lost your identity of self
We are not going to fall victim to what is or your past.
We are going to use your emotional wounds and rebirth you into a wiser, freer, self-chosen version of yourself.
You already did the hard work by surviving what felt like it had the potential to break you and you are STILL STANDING! That’s inner strength, now we are going to use that and put you on the solid, loving foundation of I AM!!! What comes after this, you choose and affirm.
EVERYTHING you have ever sought is WITHIN you, not in a location, not in a title, not in a person, not in a job.
That is taking the long road to personal fulfilment.
You are not choosing to be you, you already chose that.
You are also not choosing to be human, you already made that choice, that’s what got you here, a human on a physical planet.
You are here to remember why you made that choice. You are not lost and trying to figure it out. You are exactly where you chose to be. DO YOU REMEMBER WHY YOU CHOSE THIS?
This is the only plain where you are disconnected from immediate knowing.
What if you chose this to understand your level or degree of connected knowing, by disconnecting from the SOURCE OF YOUR KNOWING that allows you automatic knowing to experience again the beauty of that which we take for granted because it is offered to us in the same way that breath comes to us as humans, without conscious choice and action.
What if a human life is the gift of remembering the beauty of who we are in SOURCE.
If you weren’t given the choice are you going to participate in life or simply let life happen to you, you would not remember that you exercised the privilege of FREE WILL to be here and to bring you to this remembering you are asked by every experience, do you want to take this as an opportunity to remember who you are by creating the knowing of self through participating, active creation in the experience with the experience or do you want to remain passive, abandon your knowing of having free will and become a product of life?
You are not choosing to be you, you already chose that.
You are also not choosing to be human, you already made that choice, that’s what got you here, a human on a physical planet.
You are here to remember why you made that choice. You are not lost and trying to figure it out. You are exactly where you chose to be. DO YOU REMEMBER WHY YOU CHOSE THIS?
This is the only plain where you are disconnected from immediate knowing.
What if you chose this to understand your level or degree of connected knowing, by disconnecting from the SOURCE OF YOUR KNOWING that allows you automatic knowing to experience again the beauty of that which we take for granted because it is offered to us in the same way that breath comes to us as humans, without conscious choice and action.
What if a human life is the gift of remembering the beauty of who we are in SOURCE.
If you weren’t given the choice are you going to participate in life or simply let life happen to you, you would not remember that you exercised the privilege of FREE WILL to be here and to bring you to this remembering you are asked by every experience, do you want to take this as an opportunity to remember who you are by creating the knowing of self through participating, active creation in the experience with the experience or do you want to remain passive, abandon your knowing of having free will and become a product of life?
If you are done feeling hopeless, frustrated, small, sad, separate, abandoned, never enough, always having to be more…
You are one choice away from no longer needing external validation, being dependent on people having to see you, hear you…
YOU are already all of that!
How I can help you

Full Psychic Reading
Stuck, overwhelmed, confused…. need direction?

Energy Healing, Clearing & Balancing
Does your mind, body and soul need a reset?

Cord Cutting
Release a relationship that no longer serves you.

Transformational Therapy
Are your beliefs holding you back from living a life of freedom?
How I can help you

Full Psychic Reading
Stuck, overwhelmed, confused…. need direction?

Energy Healing, Clearing & Balancing
Does your mind, body and soul need a reset?

Cord Cutting
Release a relationship that no longer serves you.

Transformational Therapy
Are your beliefs holding you back from living a life of freedom?
Who I am
My passion has always been people and creating a space where I offer you the necessary tools, support and guidance to explore and create your unique self.
I am a full-time psychic medium in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town as well as a healer. I have built a solid reputation on the quality and spot-on information I provide my clients with over the past ten years. I’ve completed various courses in both crystal healing and intuitive development, initiation into shamanship in May 2018 and graduated as a shaman, February 2019.
Let me journey with you and show you the way WITHIN. Whether you need a quick check-in with a Full Psychic Reading, resetting your mind, body and soul through an Energy Healing Clearing and Balancing, or confronting an old belief system or trauma through Transformational Therapy. The options and opportunities are endless. Let’s get you the clarity, direction and support you need today!
Who I am
My passion has always been people and creating a space where I offer you the necessary tools, support and guidance to explore and create your unique self.
I am a full-time psychic medium in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town as well as a healer. I have built a solid reputation on the quality and spot-on information I provide my clients with over the past ten years. I’ve completed various courses in both crystal healing and intuitive development, initiation into shamanship in May 2018 and graduated as a shaman, February 2019.
Let me journey with you and show you the way WITHIN. Whether you need a quick check-in with a Full Psychic Reading, resetting your mind, body and soul through an Energy Healing Clearing and Balancing, or confronting an old belief system or trauma through Transformational Therapy. The options and opportunities are endless. Let’s get you the clarity, direction and support you need today!

The starting point was never outside of you...
– Babetza Lennox
Channeled Messages of Wisdom
What is in it for me to heal?
I know the question sounds like someone who wants to bargain.. if I do this, what's in it for...
What if success is NOT in perfection, but in perception and perspective?
I have had a week of profound truth in the sessions that I facilitated for my clients. The...
Do you sometimes feel anger at having to forgive someone?
Forgiveness feels like letting someone off the hook, for doing something that negatively impacted...
Only in its absence would you seek its existence.
When we are carrying anger, hurt and pain - whatever heavy emotion that is, it feels like it...
Get in Contact
Send a Message and start the journey to solve your problems from WITHIN.
Three Little Birds Healing Centre
129 Murray Str, Vierladen,
Cape Town, 7550
+27 78 642 1422