We have some powerful laws by which the universe functions. When we are aware of it and implement these laws, we can navigate and create ourselves in a very powerful way.

I invite you to come and spend a moment with me as I share and discuss an aspect of what I have learned and teach around the law of reflection.

Life is like walking into a mirror room. The amount of realness and honesty that’s being projected to us through experiences and people is insane. The Universe gives it to us straight. Every person, situation in your life and even the experience you are in right now is telling you the story of YOU.

That’s why when you have an opinion about someone, ‘wonder why they are so moody’ – you are projecting. That’s not them being moody, nope that’s you.  We do this unknowingly, and why? Indirectly, it’s easier to see ourselves in others than taking ownership and saying, ‘Right, so what am I moody about?’

I promise you this isn’t always easy. It’s way easier to be the victim of the situation or it being about someone else. BUT and this is a big BUT, hearing yourself out and doing something about what you discover needs attention within you, is going to be a magnificent LIFE CHANGER in a very, very positive way.

When we do this we shift from a victim mentality to an empowered mentality.

Can you do something about someone else’s mood? Nope, you can either avoid them or take on the task of making them feel better. By all means, this is beautiful when you are doing it with the right intention. BUT if you are doing it because they need ‘fixing’, leave it. You will become angry and resentful if all your time and energy ends up changing nothing. You can’t support someone by showing them a different way until they are accepting of being open to a different way.


So, here is the BEST part, if you go sit yourself down and ask, ‘What am I moody about?’ You are about to find the TRUE SOURCE of why you are seeing moodiness outside you or even deeper … feeling moody within.


How powerful is that? If you can find what that is, acknowledge it, ask yourself what you can change about it or if it even needs changing. Maybe it doesn’t even need changing. Sometimes it’s simply acknowledging and accepting it that changes the energy, feeling or belief.

See, this mirror room doesn’t need to get you sweating, it is simply a live feedback system. That, I believe offers us so much support to truly be the BEST version of ourselves for ourselves.

The universe truly wants us all to be victorious in our own creation as creators.

Till next time, may your awareness of self become so clear that you choose to spend your time and energy on what fuels you.

Love and blessings