This blog is inspired by the wisdom I gained from a Lucky Bamboo.
Years ago, I bought myself a Lucky Bamboo. The simplicity of it has always been a source of beauty to me. With its roots in water and its long curly stem, with leaves everywhere. It reminds me of the different aspects of life and how it all comes to a beautiful creation of wholeness and constant evolving as it grows and produces more leaves.
One day, I saw that some of the leaves were starting to turn yellow, and I immediately wondered if where the Lucky Bamboo was standing was still sufficient? Maybe it needed more light or I needed to give it a boost by adding some supplement to continue supporting its growth? I decided to give it some time and see what happens.
Eventually, I removed the leaves that now appeared to be dead so that it could use its energy for the part of the plant that was still alive.
It reminded me of our own process of sometimes shedding that which we have outgrown; whether emotionally, spiritually or physically to be able to have more energy to invest in that which we feel serves us.
I continued to keep a close eye on the Lucky Bamboo and it looked like all of a sudden it’s gone into a resting phase as no new leaves were produced over the next few months.
I realised that when going through transformation, we sometimes have to make time for ourselves to adjust and grow
into our new reality of what is and not feel the urgency to just keep pushing forward, but to take a moment to embrace the beauty of what is.
To not have to push for renewal and growth, but to let it unfold naturally. That meant having patience and trusting what happens in this moment can be accepted as ENOUGH.
Being in this space of not knowing when a new leaf will arrive, I realised that it provided me the opportunity to accept what is and instead of thinking of what might be wrong, to explore the opportunity of finding the beauty in what is. Over time I realised that I wasn’t waiting in anticipation anymore, but that I was simply enjoying the beauty of what was.
Then, one morning I got up and as always taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Lucky Bamboo I saw it was birthing three new leaves. Out of nowhere, there was RENEWAL and new LIFE.
I felt such a sense of awe at this moment as I realised the importance of the cycles of life.
With going through periods of birthing, shedding and renewal; it needs to be treasured, celebrated and respected. When we allow things to unfold naturally we are able to experience the value of creation. That the creation is perfect and that everything unfolds at the perfect time.
The lesson for me was to accept and trust that ALL was still well even with it looking and unfolding differently from what I believed it should be and that the Lucky Bamboo showed me the opportunity of TRUSTING in flow and that it is okay to rest sometimes, rebalance and stabilize within, before moving forward.
Leaving me with a completely new perspective on allowing versus controlling something to be a certain way. By needing it to be a certain way we are just trying to manage our own levels of comfort, not realising that in discomfort, there’s the opportunity for new discoveries of what we didn’t know before is possible in ourselves and our external world.
By allowing the process to unfold ‘as is’, we can find deeper levels of worth, appreciation, acceptance and trust within ourselves and in the world and experiences around us.
Nature truly is one of our greatest teachers if we are willing to take a moment to observe.
Till next time, may you stay blessed and enjoy a renewed sense of the rhythms and cycles of life.
Love and light