Diana Cooper describes the second spiritual law of life as
According to spiritual law, if you need assistance, it’s your responsibility to take ownership to ask for the help you need.
On so many occasions we are faced with witnessing someone going through a difficult experience or that’s in need of help and our first instinct is to normally do ‘the right thing’ by jumping in and asking how we can help or sorting the situation out and to get our friend, family member, colleague etc. into a better space.
But whose struggle was this really? Immediately two things stand out for me:
FIRSTLY: Could it be that what you might have perceived as your friend, family member, colleague being in a difficult situation or struggling – is actually something that might be mirrored to you and that you need to find the healing within yourself and that because you might not be ready yourself to look within to see why you experienced it the way you did and recognise that this might be an opportunity to do more inner healing than to help a friend, family member or colleague.
SECONDLY: When you help someone that hasn’t asked for help you are actually taking away the opportunity from the person/soul to learn.
If we can stand in the knowing that we will always be taken care of and that the Divine is always there to assist and support us we can recognise the power of ‘The Law Of Request’.
When a person/soul has come to a point where they are recognising the need for help they are ready to receive the answer – whether it’s from a friend, the Divine or a deeper knowing and understanding or acceptance of their own being.
When we offer help where it’s not asked for, we get frustrated when it feels like the advice given or the help offered isn’t appreciated and in actual fact, it’s NOT because what you’re offering might be your OWN healing you need or that the person/soul you’re assisting isn’t ready to receive your help/assistance because from their perspective they might still be in denial that they need help or might feel that there is no problem or something to be ‘fixed’. Therefore not recognising or understanding the value of what you are offering.
Respecting free will and allowing another to make the decision or come to the realisation themselves that they are in NEED, is when we are not only ready for the answer; we are also ready to recognise the VALUE of the answer we are about to receive.
Whether it’s through a book, a person, an experience or a TV programme the Divine always knows the best way in which we are ready to receive the answer.
To come to the realisation or to admit you need help is often what souls come to learn and master in a physical life experience. It takes courage, vulnerability and honesty with yourself which makes this a blessing – so when next time you feel like jumping in – first ask yourself is this happening as an opportunity for me to learn or recognise something about myself or an opportunity to offer assistance and to respect whatever the person/soul decides and to trust that no matter how the situation is going to unfold transformation will lead to growth and beauty.
In my next blog, we will look at the third spiritual law. Until then may you find peace and contentment in the law of request and recognise that there is always help.
Love and blessings