So in my last blog, we started with having a look at how as souls; people –

we have the opportunity to experience a life of joy, peace and harmony through understanding and utilising these spiritual laws on this Earth plane.


The BEST part of it is that we already know these spiritual laws as we are taught these laws before we are born.

Using the analogy that Earth is like a sandbox where kids get to play, create and experience different things through different situations and friends that enter and exit the sandbox. How we experience it is ALL based on our perception.

When we can flow through these different experiences with compassion, inner strength and understanding we become masters.

As Diana explains it, ‘Very often our soul will want us to return to Earth to meet the same people and similar situations to experience the challenges again or to complete unresolved issues.’

I see this as an opportunity to evolve, grow, ascension and enlightenment, which brings us to master all the lessons this Earth plane offers us as souls.


Your soul is a higher version of you. It holds all the knowledge and wisdom you have attained through all your journeys and experiences through many lifetimes.


While your higher self knows that you are a spiritual being in a physical body, your human personality has forgotten this. The mission therefore on Earth is to remember who you are as your higher self.

You might have heard or even been part of a conversation where people refer to those who are still sleeping (meaning they haven’t yet remembered that they are a spiritual being in a physical body – therefore asleep) vs those that have awakened to the knowledge of us being spiritual beings.

This is where the window opens and the opportunity for spiritual growth is available to all of us to embrace and step into, mastering the lessons that we have created for ourselves in this lifetime.

There is also help available to us through our spirit guides, ancestors and the Devine. So to master this opportunity and utilise it for all the knowledge, wisdom and understanding we can gain of ourselves and others, we will set off on the journey to revisit and remember the spiritual laws so we can move forward with clarity and understanding of how we can choose to utilise the wisdom we already have.

In my next blog we will start our journey by having a closer look at the first spiritual law, ‘As above, so below’ and gather the wisdom of what this law holds.

Until next time, stay blessed and remember the power of perception and what you choose to focus your attention on.

Love and blessings